01/12/16 - Hallowed Absurdities: Works by Theodore Waddell
01/22/16 - Non-Objective Mulvane's Permanent Collection
01/16/18 - 8 studio practices | Art faculty beyond the classroom
02/5/16 - Washburn Art Department Student Exhibit 2016
02/14/17 - Art Department Student Exhibition
03/15/16 - 2016 Juried Ceramics Exhibition
03/18/16 - Marydorsey Wanless Retrospective
04/6/18 - Washburn Student Art Exhibition - 2018
05/27/16 - Freedom's Journey
05/27/16 - Klassics for Kids
05/19/17 - Futile Fantasies
05/22/17 - Two Strangers Meet in a Parking Lot
05/2/18 - Preserving Petroglyphs: Rock Art Casts from Ellsworth County, Kansas
05/23/18 - David Quick : An Artist's Journey
05/1/18 - Reflections on Freedom's Journey
07/12/16 - Zak Barnes
07/19/16 - Bud Holman: retrospective
07/8/16 - Estamos-aquí (We Are Here)
08/30/16 - Rita Blitt
08/8/17 - Transcendental Train Yard
09/19/16 - American Dream
09/22/17 - Detention Nation
09/12/17 - Speaking Volumes
10/28/16 - American Tapestry Biennial
02/22/24 - Endangered Art: Reclaiming a Legacy
01/24/24 - Voices of the Community: Poetry Workshop
05/5/21 - 100 Minus 3
07/5/19 - 100 minus 5: Variations in the Art of Printmaking
03/15/19 - Shifting Perspectives
03/1/19 - Unpacking Chinese Apartment Art
10/3/22 - AB-X: Abstract Expressionism in the Midwest
12/3/19 - Aeronautic Visual Art Program
08/6/24 - Against the Grain: Wood Objects from the Vault
01/5/22 - American Farmer
07/5/19 - Armando Bogarin - Visiting Artist
05/22/20 - 2020 Art Fair | Strolling Through a Virtual Gallery
10/22/24 - Being Human: Washburn Art Department Faculty
02/18/21 - Black History 101
12/16/24 - Concerning the Musical in Art: The Visual Symphonies of Rita Blitt
01/17/23 - Clear Water: Encountering Mokuhanga
08/1/24 - Selections from CRAVING LIGHT: The Museum of Love and Reckoning
01/15/21 - Updates in Endangered Art: a conservation project
04/30/19 - Endangered Art: A Reprise
08/11/20 - Hostile Terrain 94
02/22/24 - I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America
08/27/20 - iArt 2020
06/11/21 - Iconic Black Women of the 21st Century
04/30/19 - I Dream A World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America
02/22/24 - In This Place: American Dreams
01/17/23 - Invitations to Listen: Rachel Epp Buller
05/6/22 - Lyric in Landscape
03/1/19 - Gradient | 4 Photographers
01/1/24 - CRAVING LIGHT: The Museum of Love and Reckoning
05/1/19 - Novel Art
10/22/24 - Only Human
06/1/24 - On the Outside Looking In?
09/23/21 - Picture a Text
09/29/21 - Powerful Women
10/22/24 - Family Pictures: Priya Suresh Kambli
06/3/21 - Radical Women | Stories of Suffrage in the Sunflower State
12/3/19 - Reclamation
12/3/19 - Referential
05/6/22 - Refugees: 1986 to 2006 Photographs of Peter Turnley
01/15/21 - Renovatio: Artists & Antiquity
08/11/20 - Contours of the Mind
11/2/22 - Ruth-Fisher
01/17/23 - Washburn Art Student Exhbition
01/15/21 - Sustainability | Social, Environmental, Economic
02/10/23 - The Art of Healing: Exploring Inner Life in Contour Drawing
05/6/19 - The Other Side of Silence
08/16/23 - "There Is a Woman in Every Color" Lesson Plans
01/5/22 - TRUTH
01/15/21 - Two Ponders Revisited
10/22/24 - Unwritten Rules
08/11/20 - Recent Acquisitions in Printmaking
05/15/24 - Student to Artist: In Pursuit of the Artistic Practice
03/1/19 - 2019 Student Art Exhibition
04/2/20 - 2020 Washburn Art Student Exhibition
05/3/23 - There is a Woman in Every Color: Black Women in Art
10/25/24 - 2024 Washburn Art Student Exhibition